How does ReviewTec help
you get customer reviews?

The traditional method of asking a customer to review your business and hoping it actually happens simply doesn't work. Enter ReviewTec. Our review service helps you get more 5 star reviews by not only requesting a review from your customer, but guiding them from point A to point B in the most efficient way possible.

How we get 5 star reviews

ReviewTec makes it easy to get customer reviews and showcase them directly on your website!

Step 1

It Starts With Great Customer Service

The first step to getting a 5 star review is to provide outstanding customer service. If you already do this on a daily basis, you'll receive lot's of reviews quickly!

Step 2

Open ReviewTec & Enter Customer Info

No need to download apps or login every time you want to send a customer a review request. Our web-app can be launched from any phone, tablet, laptop or desktop in seconds!

Step 3

Just Tap Send!

Simply enter the Customer's name along with a mobile number or email address. Our system will generate a unique Email and/or SMS text message that guides your customer toward leaving you an online review.

Step 4

Automation Begins - We Take it From Here

When your customer opens the request, they will be guided to review your business on some of the most popular and influential review sites such as: Google, Facebook, Yelp, the BBB and many more!


You Got a Google Review!

After your customer writes you an online review. Our scanners will add the review to an ever-growing database of positive reviews that you can share on your website!

Review Request Flowchart

When you hit the send button, your customer can take many different paths depending on how you setup your account.


Filtering (Optional Feature)

If filtering is turned on, your customer will be asked to rate their experience. If filtering is off, your customer will proceed to "Y".


Negative Experience

The customer is asked to fill out a feedback survey. Survey results are emailed to you.


Positive Experience

The customer will either be directed straight to a review site (or) given the option to choose a site.

Dashboard Features

Your ReviewTec dashboard provides tracking, reporting and ranking information.



We track all activity so you know what's happening when it happens!

(Sends, Opens, Clicks, Ratings, Reviews & More)



We provide many reports including team reports, employee reports, site statistics, usage reports, pending requests and a weekly progress scorecard.


Live Activity Feed

Watch everything happen live including send-outs via email and sms, clicks, reminders, ratings and posted reviews.



Turn it into a game! The employee ranking scoreboard shows who's leading at reviews for any given time-period.



Support available directly within your business dashboard.

Customization Features

ReviewTec allows you to customize your messages and website integrations like no other review system.


Automated Reminders

If a customer hasn't opened or responded to your request, we'll send them a friendly reminder (only once).


Automated Thank You Messages

Want to thank your customer for leaving you a great review online? Simply turn on this optional feature and we'll send a customized message back to the customer thanking them for taking the time to write that review.


Website Integration

Want to display your prized reviews directly on your website or blog? Great! Simply customize your review widget (fonts, colors, sizes etc) and then copy a simple line of code to your page. Easy!


Review Buttons

Want to add quick "Review Us" buttons to your website or social media? We provide quick copy/paste buttons so your customers can initiate their own review!


CRM Integration

Want requests to go out automatically when you perform an action in your management software? Such as closing an invoice? No problem! We provide Webhook integration with Zapier. Zapier connects ReviewTec to over 1500 app and crms. Check if yours is available.


Message Customization

Not sure if our high-performance messages will work for your business? No problem! You can change and customize your messages right within your business dashboard.

Get Started Today for Free

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